Digital Internships with Honest CV

Companies refuse critical AI and cyber security internships because it is risky.

A risk that has moral and ethical background

With inexperience comes an increased risk of oversight and the potential misuse of critical data. Interns must demonstrate not just capability, but the moral fortitude to handle sensitive information with the gravity it deserves.

A certification in professional ethics at workplace can reduce this risk and change your career.

List of

Qualified Certifications

The following certifications are eligible for Digital Internships Program,

Happy teenage girl visiting psychotherapist and shaking hands during the session in office

Cybercrime Intervention Officer (CCIO)

The CCIO is a course that aims to provide you with an essential background on cyberpsychology and cybercrimes. The course lets detect early signs of problems in people around you at work and home and also equips you to be a first responder in case of cybercrimes.

Server engineer with laptop working on data security issues

Certified Penetration Tester (ICPT)

ISAC Certified Penetration Tester certification is an instructor-led program for information security professionals with hands-on proven experience in vulnerability assessment and penetration testing. 

Data Forensics. Digital Forensic Investigator at Work

Certified Digital Forensics Investigator (ICFI)

The ISAC Certified Forensic Investigator is a live instructor-led program that covers essential training on handling investigations with Windows and Linux systems. Gain real-world forensic investigation skills with hands-on labs fully hosted on the cloud from Cyberange.

Programmer hands on keyboard, network security

Certified Bug Bounty Researcher (ICBBR)


The ISAC Certified Bug Bounty Researcher Program focuses on enhancing cybersecurity enthusiasts to get trained, earn rewards and recognition for reporting bugs, especially those related to security exploits and vulnerabilities, legally and ethically.